Monday, October 23, 2006



Originally uploaded by Sarah Scoville.

This is a picture of my roommates right now.

Sarah & Mark

Sarah & Mark

Originally uploaded by Sarah Scoville.

Last weekend a couple of friends and I decided to do a group Halloween date. We carved pumpkins, dipped & ate carmeled apples, and sat around the campfire out back. This is a picture of my date, Mark, and I with our pumpkin. We weren’t the most artistic, but we sure had a good time.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Sushi Night!

Tonight we went out for sushi (Jenny was a dream and bought mine for helping her babysit last weekend)!  Our friend Megan gets married next weekend and we have gone for sushi a few different times.  Since it was like a tradition we figured we'd better do it before the big day.  I'm excited to help in Megan's reception kitchen because we're getting some really cute aprons!  You can't have too many of those, right?

Today was a really good day at work.  Monique, the other girl, and I worked out front together most of the day.  I don't know if we really worked, but we sure had a good time.  We came up with some good recipes for next weeks meals.  And some fun ideas for my upcoming date.  A few friends and I are going to do a Halloween theme date.  Carve pumpkins, make cookies, eat some dinner.  It's going to be great.  Now I just need to come up with a date!  The tricky part of it.

It's been getting dark earlier so it's starting to feel like fall.  It's definitely not looking like fall, but it is getting a little cooler at night.  I love it because I can actually go running outside.  And I love that it's changing because that means that I get to go home for the holidays soon.  I'm excited to see the family and spend some quality time at home.  I'm definitely looking forward to being pampered by mother and eating some real home cooked meals.  My favorite!  Always love it!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Photo Link's I'd like to save from Flickr!

Starting to like it here!

I'm actually starting to like it here in AZ.  It's been a rough couple months, and at times I'm not sure what I'm doing with myself down here.  But I'll stick it out a few more months (at least until my stats class is over) and maybe then I'll really want to stay.  Nothing too dramatic has changed this past while, but I feel more content with where things are at. 

 I've set a few goals for myself, one of which is to be committed to my running.  I want to run in the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day.  It's a 10k so I better get my butt in gear.  I figure since I can't be with the family this holiday, then I'll do something productive with myself.  I've been doing a little research to see what races are available this fall/winter.  Since that's the prime outdoor seasons.  I'm looking forward to spending some chilly evenings lounging on my patio with some hot chocolate and good company.

I've been reading an interesting book called "The Shadow of the Wind."  I'm intrigued to see how the characters lives pan out as the plot thickens with mystery.  It's not a favorite book, yet, but enjoyable.  It's nice to have something occupy my mind and actually make my brain work.  Not that stats hasn't been challenging, just a little boring for myself.  And I'm looking forward to waking up tomorrow because I get to finish my second take home exam.  This one has been a little more difficult so I'm not sure I'll be getting an A this time around.  I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Anyhow, it's getting late.  I'll be talking to ya'll soon.