Or else this is what happens!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
School Challenges
 I am hoping my lack of interest is from learning a lot of introductory material and that next weeks lectures will be of more value to me. It is always hard for me to jump right into classes, especially 3 hours long classes, because by the end we have touched on many different topics. We move right along to more indepth things without any time to process what was being taught.
Anyway, I think that is one of the challenges of graduate school - finding time to manage the overload of material gathering in my small brain. School things will be falling out one side.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Educating patients on how to use prescribed meds!
In Pharm, we are learning about medications, educating the patient on their disease/problem, evaluating benefits and risks, and encouraging the patient to take a needed medication. Here is a clip from my class today. I guess it would be wise for us as providers to educate the patient on how to use the medication properly.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
My latest crush!
                           Andy Roddick
        Not only is he good looking, but he’s a fabulous tennis player. I’d take him any day!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Yourself: Â ambitious
Your partner: somewhere
Your hair: fine
Your mother: giving
Your father: pensive
Your favorite item: Bill
Your dream last night: playful
Your favorite drink: Â Dt. Coke
Dream home: Â cozy
The room you are in: Â front
Your fear: Â spiders
Where you want to be in 10 years: Â utah
Who you hung out with last night:Â Â dancers
You're not: ready
One of your wish list items: tundra
The last thing you did: laundry
Your favorite weather: sunny
Your favorite book: tough
Last thing you ate: yogurt
Your life: pleasant
What are you thinking about right now: school
Your car: impreza
What is on your t.v: ESPN tennis
When is the last time you laughed: fourwheelingIf you read this list and have the urge to create your own, consider yourself tagged!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Another year has begun!
On my rainy drive to Logan a beautiful rainbow presented itself. I tried taking the best picture while on route to the Muirs.Â
I celebrated my 26th birthday at the Muirs in Logan. The day started off great – I got to sleep in, eat pancakes & strawberries with whip cream for breakfast, and watch a movie with my sisters. That afternoon we went to the aquatic center to swim and lay by the pool & read. Later we watched Alex at football practice – his game number is 55. He has grown so tall and handsome. Then Juliette and Aaron prepared delicious tiny spicy chicken and rice with birthday brownies and mint chocolate chip ice-cream. It was a very nice enjoyable day spent with family. By the end of the day I had many birthday calls and wishes – which were so appreciated!!!
My trip to UT has been so nice.  The drive to Delta was a bit long and I’m not looking forward to the drive back, but it’s been worth the trip. I’ve loved see family and friends. It has been a long time since I’ve really just relaxed and enjoyed the beauty that’s around me. For starters, four wheeling at the dunes and hiking part of the Mount Ogden trails was quite a treat for me. I love the outdoors and I have missed the mountains being so close.Â
I was able to spend a few days in Delta with the parents and Rachel and Josh. I was still a bit high strung those first couple days – I just felt like there was something I should be doing. I guess that’s from being “on the go†all day everyday for the last couple of months. Finally, I collapsed and then I just wanted to sleep. And the thought of having to get back into the car was torturous, but visiting Spencer, Jonene, and girls was worth the trek!  My favorite part was taking mom for a four wheeling ride. Mom would say “Sarah…, Sarah…, Sarah…, you’re going too fast†and gradually get louder and more tense as we drove. Only once did she really need to panic – we were headed in the direction of a canal and the turn was sharper than I expected, but we turned in time brushing a few bushes and kept going on our merry little way.
It has been “slumber party central†for me – getting pampered at home, staying at the Forsbergs, sleeping over at Denise’s, and hang about at the Muirs. And there are more to come over the next week. Seth, Joey, Liam, and I went all out with our birthday party celebration – presents, treats, endless hours of jumping on the tramp and playing board games, staying up late. It was super fun. I can’t believe how big the boys have grown. They are just moving on without me, but at least they still remember me for the time being.
I just hope that I can continue to relate to their interests as they change over the years.Â
I was able to go hiking with Denise one early morning and it was so pretty out. I forgot how much I love the mountains and trails. There is such a peace that comes within those moments of serenity. We were able to talk about life, love, and the gospel. What a blessing to have friends I can relate to while enjoying a meaningful conversation.
Amanda and Trent’s wedding weekend turned out so beautiful. It started Thursday with the wedding rehearsal and dinner afterwards. It was great getting to know the Barnes’ family a little and reminiscing with the Remkes’. The next day was long, but expected. It started with setting up the reception center, worrying about Amanda being in the right places at the right time, going to get our hair done, having Amanda fix my hair (I know it should be the other way around…but my hair dresser just didn’t listen to what I had asked her to do. Thank goodness Amanda is a pro and spiced it up!), doing our make-up, running last minute errands, and getting to the church on time. Once there we had to get our dresses on and make sure Trent didn’t see Amanda. It was fun being part of the actual wedding and being with Amanda those last few moments before the ceremony started. She looked so beautiful. I held my composure quite well – only wet eyes right before it started and a few tears when they said their vows. Luckily none of us tripped down the isle and they both said “I do.â€Â Congratulations and cheers began once the ceremony was over and as we gathered into the limo. We made it Huntsville with full hearts and excitement for the night to begin.  There were lots of hello’s and familiar faces. The worst part of the night was giving a toast to Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. As the night had passed, I thought I might get out of having to say anything (you know since I’m such a great public speaker). But when I saw Trent pointing me out from across the room reality sunk in. It was time. I had been thinking about it all month, but couldn’t put my thoughts together. As I made my way to the front of the room, my heart was pounding and my feet dragged like a ton of bricks. I don’t even remember what I said and I’m sure know one else will either. But I will be remembered! As I went to actually toast their glasses my heart stopped because I hadn’t even noticed that I had brought my Dt. Coke can with me (oops!). I could’ve had anyone get me a nice glass with juice or anything else – but no, I spaced it and I congratulated them with a silver can.  I’m such a dork. And don’t worry, it was commented on numerous times over the next day. I was the “Dt. Coke girl†all weekend. Good thing Amanda and Trent love me and they won’t care – it’ll just be a great conversation starter. The rest of the night went smoothly – with mingling and dancing. I finally retreated to my room about midnight when my body was an ice cube. It was so cold up in the mountains at night. The next day was some packing and cleaning up. I spent the day at the Remkes’ house relaxing with Amanda’s brothers.Â
That night I went shopping and to dinner with my girlfriends Denise, Deanna, Heidi, and Janae. It was fabulous catching up and remembering times with these close friends. We have all gone through a lot of different challenges over these past years, and it’s great to know that we can still stand strong and face the unknown future with faith and hope together as friends. Heavenly Father definitely knows when to place certain people in our lives. If we are willing to listen and learn we will be touched by these simple moments together. I’m so grateful for the friends that have come into my life – I truly have been blessed.Â
Spending time in Utah has made me realize how much I miss being here. I miss the connections with friends, my old ward, the beauty of the desert and the mountains, my family, and many other simple important things. I feel at peace here and sure of myself. But my place is in AZ at least for another two years. I know it will fly by quickly and it will be worth the sacrifices made. And who knows what will happen in two years – I may want to come back to UT to work, but maybe I’ll be ready for another new experience in some place foreign to me. Time will tell.Â
Last night I did a lot of thinking as I lay under the stars on the tramp.  My mind was fired up with thoughts of the future and learning how to trust what is to come. A part of my natural life.
The highlight of my trip so far ----- I was babysitting Oscar and Lily and before we started our “party†they took a bath. As I was sitting in the room and all the sudden I was getting splashed on – or so I thought. When in reality, Oscar was peeing on me. That was quite the moment when my mind registered what I was drenched in.
I went to Studio 600 in SLC to check out the country swing scene. I loved it!
Now I’ve made it to the last leg of my trip – I’m in Richfield for a few days playing with Abbie, Kenzie, and Ella until Wed! I can’t believe that my vacation is coming to an end. Hopefully I’ll be ready to get back into school and start an intense year of studying!