Sunday, December 16, 2007

Classic Memories



I was sure enjoying myself tonight as I glanced through some old photos.  It brought back some great memories from my "growing up" days.  This is a sibling photo in 1990 (I think) and we are a happy photogenic family.  I LOVED that blue dress from Grandma Scoville.  Jackie, Raylene, and I all received matching dresses.  I wanted to wear it everyday.  It had a big puffy skirt that flared out when I twirled around.  I felt like a princess when I wore that dress.  I wanted to save it forever, but it didn't last.

Back row: Juliette, JP, Amie, Phil; Front: Spencer, Sarah, Rachel


Phil and I playing in the mud at Lake Powell.


This must have been a rare occasion when Phil and I were getting along.  Our usual pasttime and only connection - torturing Rachel.


Phil, Sarah, and Rachel on Halloween with our very decorative pumpkins.  I have had some great Halloween's!  One of my favorites was carving pumpkins at the Forsberg's.  It was quite a task, but rewarding in the end!


Rachel and Sarah when we had the mirrior in our front room.  It looks like I made Rachel cry.  Something I was known to do frequently. 

I loved dancing, singing, and playing in front of those mirrors.  Plus, they were great for a last minute dress check before you headed out the door.  I'm glad that brown carpet is gone, though.  I especially love my hairdo.

There are many great memories amidst the unforgettable ones, like peeing & 'hiding' on the side of the road or fighting constantly with Phil (and I always won) and punching holes in the wall when I didn't get my way or the porche present or playing library with my computer, files, stamps, and the family books, or the dreaded piano practice or playing dress up or mom's famous foot rubs (I still love those) or my precious daddy daughter dates or trading bedrooms or Monopoly Marathon's, just to name a few.  I am blessed with a great family that still loves me, including my stubborn temper, and I do cherish the memories I recollect of us.  We have had some wonderful times together, and they keeping getting better.  It is fun to watch my family grow and change over the years while my perspective on life also develops.  I love being an aunt and spending time with my family. 

Saturday, December 8, 2007



Wow, do they ever suck you in.  Tonight I thought I'd catch up on the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy since I was preoccupied with Jenny's bridal shower Thursday night.  I want to know what is going to happen  on the next show RIGHT NOW!  The other day at lunch we were talking about our favorite shows (and how we never have time to see them...thank goodness for Tivo and the internet).  After a while, we realized how pathetic our lives were.  And we kept chatting about only the latest updates on our shows.  It's like the characters become our best friends.  We get entangled in the drama, the stress, the adrenaline, and even the heartache our favorite characters expresses.  I will admit that it is nice to have something to distract me from reality, at least for an hour or so.  It keeps me balanced in my stress driven state called "life as a student".