Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It really is that time...

The year has flown by! And what a year it has been. There have been ups and downs, hard classes and easy classes, parties and ceremonies, sad days and happy days, reflective moments and strong pursuits, flowers and heartbreak, and best of all, I survived! I have finished my written final exams and anticipate passing my OSCE's tomorrow morning. Last week was our White Coat Pinning Ceremony which transitioned us from "Tweeners" into our clinical year. I have finished the didactic phase of my schooling. I have a full two weeks break before rotations actually begin.

Rachel came to the ceremony. She fell asleep but woke up just in time to see me get pinned. It's the thought that counts, right? I can see that it might not be the most interesting event if you aren't interested in medicine. We had speakers talk about healthcare, professionalism and our purpose as a provider. We recite our oath, we receive our pin or white coat (this is for both first and second years), and have time to mingle with our families. Thanks for the beautiful flowers, Mom!

I remember the first day being a first year and wondering what it was going to be like. All the second years said it was going to fly by and to just learn and enjoy what you can. Part of me thought, "Yeah, I know time flies by, but this is 14 months of intense schooling?" And it has been long months with really long days, but the time has gone so fast. And I'm supposed to know something by now. I guess I will find out when I start my rotations.

ATSU PA Class 2009 - I'm on the second row, second from the right side.

I recall when I first moved to AZ and had Amanda along for the ride. She was doing me a favor, by taking the long trek with me, and I was doing her a favor by bringing her down for her interview. She started a few months later. This Saturday she graduates. In one more year, that will be me.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Here is a fun little game... leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark... get set... blog those memories!

Friday, July 18, 2008

summertime favorites

  • the deep blue starry nights with streams of a bright full moon peeking through the palm trees

  • flowers basking in the sun rays with birds chirping their songs

  • crickets livening up the calm warm nights

  • the aroma traveling from a smoking grill penetrating my nose and stimulating my salivary glands

  • listening to the neighborhood kids play night games with all there hoops and hollers and hopes of endless nights

  • lounging by the pool soaking up the sunshine, flipping pages to a gossip magazine, until the need to jump in the crisp clear water overwhelms the unquenchable heat and dripping sweat down your back

  • people hustling and bustling around as they are overtaken by the acoustic sounds of a local band

  • daisies swaying in the breeze

  • chillin on the back porch with friends and family

  • sleepovers

  • star-gazing while laying on the trampoline

  • watching the sand fly up around me while cruising on the quad at the dunes

  • sleeping in

  • the smell of fresh cut grass and blossoming saguaro cactus

  • drowning myself in a well written novel as I curl up on the couch in my pjs with my hot tamales

  • swaying aimlessly forward and backward on a swing

  • observing animal life

  • red, orange, purple almost magical sunsets cutting across the horizon

  • afternoon naps

  • the forced breeze flying over my skin with my hair tossing to and fro, jamming to tunes with friends as I relax & lay out on the front of a boat at the lake, watching the birds peruse the sky above

  • ben and jerry ice cream

  • hope for a fresh new start with the coming year

  • catching up with a best friend while receiving a killer foot massage during an hour pedicure session

  • monsoon rains and wind that quickly come and go

  • the texture, taste and satisfaction of fresh blueberries or strawberries crushing the taste buds as it moves in a forsaken direction

  • family picnics

  • watching baseball game with the field lights blazing through the sky, rowdy crowds cheering for their teams, gloves ready to catch that foul ball, eating hotdogs and peanuts, and singing with the crowd "take me out to the ball game"

Monday, July 14, 2008

this is the place

Rachel and I have been apartment/house searching the past couple weeks. I definitely dislike looking for a new place to live. It's frustrating not finding what you are looking for. Well, I fell in love with this place as soon as I walked in. Immediately after we left the place, Rachel looked at me and said "I already know you love this place." It isn't quite in the location we were looking for but I felt really good about the place. It's a 2 bed/2bath with a remodeled kitchen, bathroom, new floorings. Obviously, it is not coming furnished as listed in the pictures!  It is a little smaller than Tasha place. But the landlord was super nice, the place was cute & clean, and I'm really excited. We move in August 1st. Right after finals time. I hope Rachel is ready for a new adventure living with me.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

School's out.

Ok. Not really.  But I have that same excitement bursting from my seams.  You know, when it's the last day of school and all you want to do is parrrty!!  After a long awaited, intensive didactic year, there is some hope to the future.  We received our rotation assignments for next year.  Wow!  I'm still in shock and jittery from the excitement.  It's going to be an interesting, and hopefully fun.  Not really what I was expecting, but I then again, I wasn't expecting much.  I informed the school that I was pretty open to whatever was available.  I get to rock an OB/GYN first off.  Then I'm off to Morenci, AZ (and yes, I had to google where that is located - East side of AZ!).  Next, family practice here in Mesa.  My elective follows suite (not sure where that will be - either here in AZ or maybe in UT).  Then my Internal Medicine at the federal prison.  Can't imagine what I'll be learning there?!? Another family practice in Mesa with a PA that I already know.  That will be awesome!  Pediatrics on the north side of town, Scottsdale.  And last but not least, Cardiothoracic surgery for my final rotation.  A lot to look forward to.  I still have a few more weeks of mass studying before the real anxiety sets in!