I just had my first real exposure to emergency medicine. I told the staff here in Morenci that I really want to get the full experience while I'm here since it's the only ER rotation I get. The paramedics were called out for a MVA with a motorcycle and I went along. The scene wasn't looking good - the pt was unresponsive, crushed left side, major head damage, alcohol. We checked the ABC's, stabilized the neck, splinted up what was left of the arm, got the pt on the gurney and into the ambulance. We then started the IV, hooked the pt up to a monitor, then intubated and began bagging, as we headed to the helicoptor pad. Let's just say it was intense! My adrenaline is definitely pumping and I don't know how I'm supposed to fall asleep now. Exciting isn't the right word, but more so than the typical ear ache or sore throat that I've been seeing. Surprisingly, I was rather calm while on the ride and helping out. It brings a new meaning to emergency for me. Typically my day is rather slow - seeing common complaints (sore throat, anxiety, small laceration). I have seen pts with a PE, juvenille arthritis, and Angelman's Syndrome.