I don't hate very many things in life, but I do hate car problems. It is such a nuisance to have to take my car in, wait around, find out the verdict, and then end up leaving it there overnight. I about had a panic attack at how much it was going to cost me to get everything fixed. I told them to do what was needed, and then once I get my loan disbursement in March I will consider the other things. So, I spent a lot of money to get my car fixed. I let Rachel and Zac take it to Colorado for their snowboarding trip. Too bad it didn't make it there. About an hour out of Flagstaff, the car overheated again. I am so frustrated, and feel terrible that it caused delay in their already long trip. At least they found another way to CO, and hopefully the car will be working well enough to make it back to Phoenix. I will once again be taking my car in to Subaru for more repairs, and more costs. I left a very nasty message for Subaru last night during all the drama. I finally talked with them today and told them I'd be bringing it in for them to fix next week. At least I haven't had too many car problems over the years. I want it to continue to work well, at least until I can afford something newer.
Last night I did make it over to Glendale to visit a few friends.
Daina had many delicious flavor's of Tulsi tea for me to try!
Don't worry, Steve and roommates still haven't taken down their dead Christmas tree! It looks rather nice in the background.
On top of it all, I've been sick. My head is spinning, my diaphragm hurts from coughing so much, and I'm not getting much done. Hopefully I will feel better by tomorrow so I can help with the PFChang Marathon. Right now it's not looking so good, though.
I am excited for tonight. Elder Bednar is coming down to Mesa to speak to the young single adults. It is going to be crowded but will be great to hear from an apostle of the Lord.