I had my trip to Utah last weekend. I went up for my friend Heidi's wedding. Her and Adam were married in the Draper, UT LDS temple. Besides the wedding, there was a few people I wanted to see while there. First off, my favorite part of the weekend was when I went to pick up my rental. I get my keys and sign my life away, then head out to the parking lot. I looked down the row and see some killer looking cars, then I see a bright yellow economy sized vehicle and think to myself "I'm pretty sure that's my car." I walk down the row, and sure enough it had my number.
Thursday night I went to Heidi and Adam's wedding dinner. It was a wonderful night. An exciting part of the night was dinner. We had all eaten our salad, moved on to the main course, and we were getting ready for dessert. Me being an excessively slow eater (got that from my mother) and apparently I talked a lot that night, I wasn't finished with my meal just yet. Well, the server walked past, and from the corner of her eyes saw that my plate was still there. I was just eating my steak like a good little customer. I had turned my head to the left listening in on a conversation, and then turned back for another bite, and my plate was gone. My mouth was full so I couldn't yell at the lady that I wasn't finished and wanted my plate back. Instead I started laughing. I guess the server didn't think I needed to finish off my meal. It was the funniest thing at our table the rest of the night.

I spent the night at Phil and Mar's in Orem. The next morning I enjoyed with my mom there as well. WE went for a nice chilly morning walk.
The actual wedding was wonderful! Heidi and Adam were married in the Draper LDS Temple.
That night I stayed over at Riley, Leesa, and Kingston's house. We played Ticket to Ride. So fun!
Saturday morning was Oscar's birthday party. And it was quite the party!!
A fun-filled afternoon of "Luke, Luke, Darth Vader" and relay with the lightsavers.
Yeah for Star Wars!
I enjoyed the afternoon with the Forsbergs in Layton City Park. We played chase on the playground, the boys got sick on the merry-go-round, and I chilled on the swings. It was a beautiful day outside.
That night I got to visit with some friends. I stopped by Janae and Ken's and met little Raelee. Then went to dinner with Deanna, Cynthia, and Lindsey. I stayed the night and Denise's and enjoyed the day with her family.
All in all, the trip was super great.