I learned a few new traditions, and missed some of our family traditions. Christmas Eve was spent at my bishop’s, the Westergards house. We had tasty steak, salmon, orange rolls, pretzel raspberry salad, and red velvet cake. Mmm… After dinner, we did a gift exchange while reading “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Andria, my roommate, and I headed home after awhile. In the love of the Christmas Spirit we cut out paper stockings., and thought about leaving Santa some milk and cookies.

Christmas morning I wanted to sleep in, but the curse of a career is that your body adjusts to a normal circadian rhythm. I made muffins and attempted at gingerbread chocolate cookies. Andria and I quietly opened our few gifts by the Christmas tree.

Christmas Day I met up with Rachel and Zac at the movie theater. After many weeks of anticipation, "Sherlock Holmes" was out. I have never been to a movie on Christmas day, and WOW, it was packed. Luckily we only have to wait in line for 45 mins and actually got decent seats together.

We had a fun time taking pictures while waiting for the movie to start. I'm sure the guy next to us didn't appreciate that he was blind after all the flashes.
The three of us invited ourselves over to Alex and Anna's house to crash JP and Mary Ann's Christmas dinner. It was fun seeing family and playing with the boys. Until the explosion. Somehow the boys broke a red cream soda can and it went everywhere. Good thing the family was quick to cleaning it up, and hopefully no permanent spots remain.

Ava was sure a doll to hold.

Family Games
Overall, Christmas away from home was good.