Friday, February 26, 2010

Family Time, Rachel & Zac’s Wedding

My baby sister, Rachel, was married last weekend.

Rachel & Zac's Wedding Weekend

Just before the wedding ceremony

The wedding line-up

Mr. and Mrs. Zac Coplan

The bridesmaids Lexie, Becca, Tami, Sarah (except Liz)

Rachel & Zac's Wedding Weekend

Sarah & Rachel

Scoville Family Photo 2010

Rachel & Zac's Wedding Weekend

Ella, Rachel, Sarah, Lily

Sister's with Mom

It was a fun weekend with the whole family plus some aunts and uncles together.  Rachel was a beautiful bride.  We are excited for the addition of Zac to the family.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Every so often, on my cars dash the symbol (!) lights up.  At first I thought it would intermittently come on and off, so I thought it might not be that important.  Finally I looked through my manual and realized that it meant the air in my tires were low.  No big deal! Until my tires needed to be filled every time I was getting gasoline.  Well, at my 10,000-mile maintenance I asked them to double check the air pressure.  That is when they found the nail in my tire.  They didn’t have it in stock. So for weeks I have been waiting for them to let me know it was in.  I called for the 4th time today and actually talked to someone.  Finally!  The salesman was ever so nice and was able to fit me in this evening.  My tire is officially fixed.  Now I don’t have to worry about my tire shredding, or it causing a multi-car wreck on the freeway.  I have had a few nightmares about it lately.