Thursday, December 30, 2010


A good year for me!  It has quickly come and gone!

I completed the first year of my career!  Most days I love it, but some days I don't.

My family has a few new members: Ava, Zac, Will, and Brie

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

Enjoyed many cultural experiences for my small town notions: Superior camping, the Nutcracker ballet, Carmen the opera, and Phoenix Boys Choir.

I refrained from Facebook check-ups for over a month.  I'm back now.

Didn’t travel too far from Gilbert.  I visited San Diego, Lake Powell, Park City, and Delta.

Learning how to survive with my food allergies.

Loved hosting a few dinner parties!  The planning is just as much fun as the party!

Christmas Fondue Party


I did not fall in love this year, but I had a few likes!




Welcome, 2011!  I'm ready for a new year to start!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


was a busy month with festivities, parties, cultural experiences, and time with family and friends.  It was a good month.

I saw "The Nutcracker Ballet," listened to the "Phoenix Boys Choir," and had a few dinner parties which put me in the Spirit of Christmas.

Christmas Fondue Party

Christmas Fondue Party

Christmas Fondue Party

RS Visiting Teaching Conference

RS Visiting Teaching Conference

I went home to Delta, Utah for the week of Christmas.  I was able to meet Brie for the first time, and see all my other cute nieces and nephews!

It snowed while I was there, making it a white Christmas.  Amie and I created a snowman.

Christmas 2010

The kiddo's did a great job at performing the Nativity while my oldest brother read the story of Christ from Luke.

Christmas 2010

It was a wonderful trip home.  I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, too!

As the year is closing, I am contemplating all those new resolutions to make.  Once I've completed my list I'll let you know what I'm going to work on this year!