"It's not my fault, Mom!"

My Queen Creek friends decided to have Craft Day. Hmm... crafts are not my favorite thing. I don't like doing the work and it never turns out how I envision the end product. So, I would rather go spend a little extra money on a finished product that I know I'll love. Well, today was not about making the craft. It was about gathering with my friends and making the craft: a birthday board. And it was an adventure.
First, we had to sand down the wood. Eee. Uh. (squinty face!)
I hate the texture of wood before it's sanded. I hate the sound of sanding. I hate sand paper. Plus, I'm a perfectionist. I want all the edges to look and feel superb. Not a good combo.
I survived.
Next, we painted our boards. I didn't mind that. I like painting. For the most part.

Third, we applied the vinyl phrases we had pre-ordered.
Then, we tried drilling the holes for our attaching birthday circles. That's as far as we got today.

What do you think?

The kids even had a good time. I think.