Thursday, May 26, 2011
saturday fun
afternoon with Baxter
dinner at Green for Maya's birthday... coconut curry with fake chicken (interesting, but tasty)
met Forrest, Jen's love, for the first time
at Rachel and Andria's goodbye bbq!
a fun-filled day!
new hairdoo
Conversation with Max and Ian.
Me: "Are you guys going to miss me?'
Ian: (without hesitation) "No."
Max: "Why would we miss you. We're all moving to Denver."
Me: "We are?!"
Max: "Yeah!" (duh, Aunt Sarah)
Me: "Actually, you guys are moving to Denver. I'm moving to Grandma's house."
Ian: "You're going to Washington?'
Me: (laughing) "No, silly. Grandma Mary's house!"
Don't worry, they are still confused about it! But, yep! I'm moving home. At least for the month of July! And it's official because I told my boss... anyone want to roadtrip/help me move all my stuff there???
Sunday, May 22, 2011
change is all around
P.S. I got my hair cut. What do you think?
cinco de mayo
scratch test
Highest to lowest score:
Ash Mix
Sage Mix
Grass Mix
Scale/Artriplex Mix
Epicoccum Nigrum
Lambs Quarter
Candida Albicans
Cladosporium PSH
Cottonwood, East
Ragweed Mix
Birch Mix
Black Willow
Sweet Gum
Easter Oak Mix
Hackberry, White
White Poplar
Sycamore, Eastern
Kopok Seed
Yay! for allergies!
spring rolls
A few weeks ago, my friend Trevor and I decided to make spring rolls and they were delicious!
Sorry the pictures are blurry. I took them on my phone.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
three years
When I turned fifteen, for some reason, Dad was the only one around. He took me for my *first driving lesson around the town. It was exhilarating. Then we went to Leo's for dinner and ice-cream shakes. It was a great day! I loved our daddy-daughter dates. I knew I was his **favorite.
*first driving lesson my parents knew about
**at least I thought I was his favorite, apparently he loved each of use kids equally, but I still claim to be his favorite
Dad always wanted an ATV. Later in life he finally bought one. We sure enjoyed that toy at the Sand Dunes and behind Spencer's backyard.
Everyone says I look like you. That makes me happy.
May is a month of mixed emotions. Mother's Day three years ago Dad was admitted to the hospital from complications of his cancer. Rachel and I decided we should drive home the next day. That was a long drive home. One by one all of us kids made it home that week. We were all together as a family. I loved playing the Hymns why Dad sang along. I enjoyed reading scriptures with Dad that week. We had some special talks together.
I'm sure grateful that our family can be together forever through
temple covenants.
Always thinking of you, missing you, and loving you.