Kari McLemore and Skyler Smith's wedding reception - Kari & I
Daina, Kari, Sarah, Jenny (holding Aubrey's baby Olivia) - old roommates!
Pictures courtesy of Beth Hill!
It looks something like this one. It drives a little more smoothly than my manual Impreza. And it sits a little higher off the ground. I like it. Too bad I'm a broke student and can't afford a new car.
Father's Day was spent out at JP and Mary Ann's with the boys and Rachel and her roommate, Becca. We had a delicious dinner (as always) and it was just nice to spend time with family. There was much reflection that day; overall, it was a nice day.
Gidget pouting!
I definitely enjoyed my night with Josh. He has a way with making me laugh and enjoy the simple things. He is studying law and will be taking the Bar this July. Unfortunately for me, that means he is super busy and I probably won't see him again until after that.
Saturday I slept in. I went to a matinée with some ward friends and saw "Kung Fu Panda." It was pretty cute. I have really been wanting to go swimming lately. So I invited myself and Rachel over to my friend John's to go swimming that afternoon. He was super sweet about letting us come over. They have a nice pool, tramp and swing set. I was in heaven for a few hours enjoying the sunshine! Since Katee and Drew's reception was out in south Gilbert, I went over the JP and Mary Ann's for a few hours. It was great seeing them. Max loves his cars and trucks. It was fun playing with him. After the reception, I went to a party with Rachel. I wasn't really in the social mood, so I didn't stay too long. I went home and watched "P.S. I love you!" It was a cute movie that made me do some thinking. Needless to say, I stayed up way too late.
I slept in this morning, then went to church. It was a good day of learning for me. I visited with the Bishop for a time after church. He was very nice and called me after dad had died. I always received a Father's Blessing before my school quarter began, so the Bishop was nice and did that for me. For dinner I participated in a dinner group with my ward. Afterward, I went for a nice walk and did some good thinking. I played the piano for a while and now just anticipating my five o'clock alarm! Another quarter is really here.
Two of my best friends came down to my dad's funeral. It was such a nice surprise. Deanna and I grew up in Delta. We then met Heidi in Ogden. We had some great days up there and have been through a lot together. I appreciate their friendship and support during such a difficult time.
My nieces and nephews were loving all the bouquets of flowers, and wanted to share them with us.
My beautiful mother, Mary, after the graveside services.
I decided to pick up a book and read tonight. This book has been sitting on my shelf for the past few months waiting for me to have time to read. I sure enjoyed this good easy read about Santiago and his adventures in life while pursuing his Personal Legend. i really like the life purpose that developed beyond Santiago's dreams. There is something about knowing how to be content with the present.
My friend Deanna laughed at me when I told her that I read a book tonight. She said "Haven't you been reading enough these past couple of weeks? I don't think I've read a book since high school." I laughed. I find contentment and pleasure by drifting into someone else's mind. It's nice to step away from reality for a few hours.