Avi & Shea; Derik, Molly, & Jenna, Sarah & Megan; Stacey, Sarah, Megan, & Beth, Nate & Erin; Rodney (Founder of Future for Kids)
The weekend turned out to be nice. I did a lot of studying for my Monday morning quizzes. It was Ka^ri'sand Skyler's wedding & reception Saturday night. I went last minute to a friends pool party for about an hour. Rachel & Becca concocted a nice swim attire for me. Then I went shopping with Josh. Let me tell you, we looked GREAT! I was wearing my mismatch swim stuff with high heels carrying my purse. Josh was in his swim shorts & flip flops carrying a wet t-shirt (he had been thrown into the pool earlier). Yeah, it was great. We then made raw hummus and read the National Geographic from 1970. His family is friends with someone whose pictures were in the older NG's. It was great looking at the styles and topics back then.
Sunday night was my ward's last Bishop's fireside, since the university stake is making changes and our ward will no longer exist. He decided that he wants our ward to have our last Sunday (July 20) as a testimony meeting on the Book of Mormon. Yep, he challenged us to read it over the next 30 days. That's 18 pages per day. I will admit, I wasn't looking forward to the challenge when he first suggested it. My time is limited. In the past I have been a bit of slacker and never fully completed the Book of Mormon challenges. I decided that this is the perfect time. The Bishop knows what the ward needs, and this is something I need in my life. I have been reading and I don't want to put the book down. I wish I had more time in a day to ponder the words. I can already tell this is going to be the best 30 days ever!
This morning was the PackRat. It is a mock board exam to gage how much we have learned/retained over the year. I took the night off studying, got some good sleep, and had a good breakfast. After 130 questions, my brain shut off. I still had about a hundred questions left and I was done. I took a quick restroom break and felt a little more refreshed. But my mind wasn't as focused as I needed to be. Exams are bad enough, but a 225 question, three hour exam? That's almost unbearable. And I get to do it again next year after clinicals, and then take the REAL board exam. We got our scores this afternoon. Yep, I'm about average. I haven't retained very much information from the year, but I'm right with the rest of my class. I feel really encouraged to start rotations in less than two months! Glad that's over.
You look gorgeous!! I am glad things went well for you. Looks like everything turned out great!