On Nov2/45 I thought I really was going to the hospital. I started really cleaning the house, had scrubbed walls & floors & waxed & polished bedrooms, stairs & kitchen-living rooms. I was just finished & felt I should rush to the hospital but knew I had to have a bath. By the time I was undressed I knew I couldn’t walk to the hospital (more than a mile away) so Ells got Dunc Dudley to come give us a ride. When I got into the hospital it seemed my pains were a little less severe & so the matron started registering someone’s baby; before she had asked 2 questions I was having another severe pain & she stopped & rushed me to the case room. She phoned Dr. Magid and tried frantically to get me ready.
When Dr. Magid arrived he started questioning why he hadn’t been phoned sooner (he had taken 20 mins to get there) & she assured him I had just come in. Needless to say I was very relieved & pleased when Rodger arrived. When Ells came back to see me that evening I asked if he would pain out floor around the linoleum and also pain the cupboards, high chair and crib. Well 2 days later when he came to see me he told me he had bough some pain on special & would try to do ‘some’ painting before I got home. I asked what color & he ignored the question. Several times I mentioned I surely would like to have the furniture WHITE but he just changed the subject. The night before we were to come home I noticed some brown pain on Ells hands & drew his attention to it, he said “yes I got it on special – they didn’t have many colors.” I was disappointed but tried not to show it. The following day when we walked in the house was just beautiful – everything painted white & so well done. The brown was the color around the linoleum & it was just perfect. Ells was on afternoon shift so left for work. I went upstairs to arrange things for Rodger & then went downstairs to find Earl had found the brown paint & painted everything – the cupboards, high chair, stove, table & chairs & linoleum. Mother walked in just when I started to cry. She surveyed the seen. We tried in vain to remove it & then she said “I’ll take Earl home with me. Ells will kill him.” She did & I continued to & feel sorry for myself. Anyone who has come home with a new baby knows the bewildered feeling one gets when all the energy you seem to have in the hospital just drains out of your with the first diaper change. Well this was compounded 100 times. I was truly frustrated!!! When Ells came home after midnite he walked in & ran 2 steps a time up to the bedroom only to find the culprit wasn’t in his bed. I was really glad mother had taken him home . He was so angry I’m not sure what would have happened if he could have found Earl that nite.
Annetta and Ellsworth Scoville
Thanks for sharing Sarah!