Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday TPUM

It's going to be a Tuesday ritual with my roommate, Jenna.  Tennis, Pizza, Udder Delight, Movie. All on a Tuesday night. We are totally mixing things up.  And I like it.  Tonight was the first night.

I love tennis. I watched some tennis while babysitting Canon last weekend. It got me all excited about buying a new racket and some real tennis shoes. Doing some research before the big purchase. And I might even order a tennis magazine. Wow! I might be over doing it. YES!! I'm really looking forward to TPUM each week.

Anyone is welcome to join in the fun with us.


  1. i love predetermined fun activities. Now you never have to wonder what will happen on Tuesdays. It is just a given. And tennis...awesome. My racket's name is "The Hammer" and when I serve, I say, "It's Hammer Time!"
    Did you know that they make pasta shaped like tennis rackets?
    P=pizza...or pasta?

  2. Sounds like fun, Rachel and I should take you on in doubles!
