Sunday, January 27, 2008

Remembering President Gordon B. Hinckley


A friend sent me this picture, and I thought it was fitting with this entry so I added it in!

I received a text while playing games at my brother's house tonight saying that President Hinckley had passed away. At first I just read the text, and than I realized what it meant. We checked to see the update and it was true. We called our parents and MA called hers. How quickly the news is spread!

As I've been reading the latest posting and contemplating all the upcoming changes, I've been thinking about the impact President Hinckley has made on so many lives, among those is mine. I remember listening to him a few different times at the conference center for firesides, general conference, and the RS conference. I loved watching him walk in and wave his handkerchief while smiling at all of us, or waving with his cane. He was always so optimistic about life.

The other day I was talking with my Bishop and he reminded me of a quote by President Hinckley. It goes something like this: "You can't change the past, and you can't predict the future, so learn to enjoy the present." I sometimes have a hard time remembering that little phrase but it is so true. President Hinckley always had a great way of putting things in better terms and understandings. I love his theme of "Stand A Little Taller" because it is something that all of us can do. Each day try just a little harder to be better, try a little harder to live up to what you believe in, try to be a little more kind, try to serve others, etc. I love that because it is something I am capable of doing. I tend to get overwhelmed easily and being reminded to take a step back, breath, and relax helps me to accomplish one thing at a time. Some days it seems like there is just too much going on in life, but knowing that taking one step or one day at a time helps me to focus and enjoy what is most important. There are always going to be demands in life with time, money, friendships, callings, work/school and many more things. Remember to enjoy the present!

I love President Hinckley and I know that he is having a great reunion with those he loves on the other side of the veil. What a glorious place to be!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The funniest thing...This morning

Gidget was yapping away, which I thought was unusual.  She has been so good especially since Tasha put the doggy door in.  Well, I knew that Tasha had already left for work, so Gidget would be in her cage (which opens to the doggy door).  There are two openings to the cage, but we've never been concerned with latching the top door. I came out to see what all the fuss was about and found Gidget standing on top of the top door.   She had jumped hard enough to push and flip the door open, and then had persisted to jump up to get out of the cage.  Wow!  What a smart dog.  Too bad she doesn't always use it for the best things.  Luckily I was still home else would probably would have come home to a sprained ankled dog that had left a few puddles around the house.  I was laughing hysterically when I saw her up on the door, though.  I couldn't believe she had managed to actually open the door.



All of us girls together again for Jenny's reception! (Old Roommates: Daina, Kari, Jenny, Sarah, and Trisha)

Jenny Johnson was married to Mike Stephan Jan 3, 2008 at the SLC Temple.

Two years ago I met Jenny and she was determined we'd be best friends. And she was right. She has made a huge difference in my life. I will always be grateful to her for her friendship, support, and listening ear.


Sarah, Daina, Kari, and Trisha

We sure had some good times together in QC: going for walks in our pjs, talks on Jenny's bed, Sunday cheese tortilla's, and "onesies."


I helped at the PFChang Marathon at the 13.2 Medical Station with Mr. Goodwin's team. Amanda and I were there last year and this year. It was a good time! I have loved having Amanda down in AZ, and know I will miss her once she moves back to WY (but understandably will accept this). She helps me chill out when I'm stressed with school (thanks for the kabobs!), informs me of upcoming events, and reminds of life outside of school.

Friday, January 18, 2008


My latest favorite song is "Snails" by The Format. I have a tendency to find a song or artist that I love and listen to them on repeat for the next week or longer. This song happens to be what I am enjoying these days. I really liked this version at check it out if you want. Sorry you might have to copy and past this. It's a great song! These are the lyrics to the song taken from The Format website.

Nico take it slow
Show me that you care
And love's not just a flare on my sleeve
Sleep well, I pray that cardboard boxes,
Set the perfect stage.
'Cause wood grain makes all man made things seem so out of date
Life is not a play, it's what we
Make of the people we love.

Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch
So why, why, why, why, oh, why
Are you quick to kiss?
She bites at blades and leaves
Gosh dang you shrubbery
Well I’m sick of vanity plays
Should we move to the UK?
'Cause life here in the states has escaped
All the people above us.
What we make of those people we love

Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch
So why, why, why, why, why
Are you quick to kiss?
Baby, maybe I spoke too soon
I’ll touch you once you make the first move
Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch

I watch her as she runs
My mother jumps the gun
She puts her in her arms
That is just like my mom
Never lets go, never lets me grow old
I wanna pay her back
But love is nothing you can tax
My family’s not rich by any means
But I feel we won the lottery, that day
The rock swallowed the girl
And I cried as cameras caught my eyes
My tears turned into butterflies
They fly away as caskets close
A new day comes you’ll wake unfold
Smile when you feel the sunlight
You feel the sunlight
You feel the sunlight

Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch
So why, why, why, why, why
Are you quick to kiss?
Baby, maybe I spoke too soon
I’ll touch you once you make the first move
Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch, oh
Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch

I like the simplicity of the life of a snail. I sometimes forget that life isn't all about that is full of moments that fill up our days. I get hung up on unimportant details and then miss out on other joys life offers!

Since it is a holiday weekend, I think I will go for a hike with some friends tomorrow. I do have more mid-terms next week (lovely) but figure I need to take some time off. I'm starting to get burnt out. I don't want to be in class, my attention span doesn't last long, and my focus during study time is lacking! This could start to be a serious problem. I already procrastinate, get stressed out, and then overwhelm myself with trying to catch up.

My brain hurts today. I guess that means I used it, but sometimes I wonder if my brain really works well. I get frustrated when I study for hours and hours but nothing sticks. It seems the important things tend to go in one ear and out the other. I remember the unique, obscure irrelevant phrases that will never help my patients. I hope I don't kill someone. I guess what is most valuable from exams and classes is that I really am learning even if it doesn't show on paper. Crazy thoughts today. Obviously, I'm running on inadequate amounts of sleep and somehow I'm still awake. Later, when I want to be more productive my eyes will start to droop.

I'm laughing at myself because this probably doesn't make any sense. Sigh. Another day to live!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Reflecting on change

A year ago there were a few defining moments that changed my life.  I had my interview for PA school.  That, in and of itself, was a huge opportunity.  I helped with the PF Chang Rock'n Rock Marathon.  I had an informal interview with the school's director at the time. This gave me the chance to really show who I was.  Not only did it give me the opportunity to get my foot in the door, but it also allowed me to really be me.  I expressed my real desires for going to PA school and what my passions in life were, while showing that I was really committed to helping people.

I met a great guy that taught me how to be confident with who I was and who I wanted to become.  He brought out a lot of great qualities in me!  He helped me grow, spiritually and mentally.  He challenged my knowledge while pushing me to go after my dreams.  Our relationship developed, and burned, a couple times, but overall I look back on the experience and am thankful for the things I learned.  I know more of what I want in myself and what I want in my best friend.  I've actually been thinking a lot about him lately.  He doesn't live around here anymore and we don't talk (which is for my benefit), but a lot of things have triggered memories of him and us.  We really did have something great, and I miss that.  I miss our conversations, our adventures together, and mostly the friendship.  Oh, to one day have that again.

I remember "the call" I received while I was at work.  I had looked at my phone and didn't recognize the number, but could tell it was from somewhere in the valley.  I listened to the message Dr. Pavlick had left me.  I immediately called him back, leaving a message to call me at work.  Within 30 minutes, he returned my phone call.  Dr. Rhey had poked his head into the office and was like "You're taking a personal phone call?" I looked at him and said, "Yes. This is about school."   I was trying so hard to be calm and professional when I spoke with Dr. Pavlick, but in truth I was anxious and shaky.  Was this really happening?  Was this the call I'd been waiting for?  My life was about to change become it was my invitation call for school.

As I've been reflecting upon all the changes within this last year, I have noticed that I have been surprised to where my life has come.  I remember the first weeks before school.  I was anticipating beginning school.  Was I really prepared to go to graduate school?  And is this really what I wanted?  Would I get along with my classmates?  And would I learn what I needed to become a great PA?  Well, I am still in school and pursuing my dreams.  That's amazing, considering the classes I've been through and the workload that is unbearable at times.  I've made some great friends who understand me and make the long days enjoyable.  I'm learning all sorts of new things, whether the information is sticking or not is another question.  Truthfully, though, most of it has been sticking, and I've been building even more information upon that.  Is this really what I want?  I still ask myself that question, but then when I talk with PAs or others in the healthcare world, I remember what this is all about.  Yes, it's hard and there never seems to be enough time to give my best.  But I have to just do what I can in the time that I have available.  I think partly why I love medicine is that it is always changing.  That means I will constantly be learning and progressing in my field.  What more could I ask for?

There have been many other changes over the year.  I've moved.  I've made new friends.  Had heartaches.  Enjoyed the  simple things.  Made mistakes.  Been watched over.  Loved.  Struggled.  Watched friends have big changes in their lives.  Seen the progress and set backs that make each of us become a new person...whether we grow or give up, something changes.  I guess that's why we are constantly learning.  And I am continually trying to give my best and balance my life wisely.  Even though most days I want things to be a little easier, life wouldn't be as excited if is was!

True Inspiration

Yesterday I got a phone call from my dad giving me the update on Cynthia’s marathon.  What an inspiration!  Cynthia has been running as long as I can remember.  She was a distance star in high school and college.  After college, Cynth continued pursuing competitive racing.  She won the Top of Utah Marathon among many other awards!  Somewhere between then and this past summer, she decided to follow her dream of running in Olympic Tryouts.  During the Chicago Marathon she didn’t reach her qualifying time of 2 hr 48 min, but stuck with it and ran again in Houston’s Marathon.  Here are her stats:  


EVENT: Full Marathon

DATE: Sunday, January 13, 2008

BIB/DIV:   201 / F2529

TIME: 2h:41m:58s (gun) / 2h:41m:57s (net)

Result in Entire Field - 28th place5564 finishers behind. Less than 1% of finishers ahead. 

Result in Gender (Female) - 5th place2087 finishers behind. Less than 1% of finishers ahead. 

Result in Division (F2529) - 1st place 317 finishers behind

I can’t even fathom running at a 6 minute pace.  I can’t even do one mile in 6 minutes, let alone 26.2 miles!  I look up to Cynthia for pursuing and achieving her dreams.  I remember plenty of times that the girls would be running two or three times a day, through rain, snow, hot heat, getting drilled at practice, and pushing the limits on race days.  All in all: hard work, persistence, motivation, and patience really do pay off!  She truly is an inspiration for achieving your dreams.  Great job, Cynthia!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008



Reasons why I love having Rachel here...

1. She’s super fun

2. Listens to me vent at the end of the day

3. Distracts me from unimportant mumbo-jumbo

4. Comforts me when I’ve had a hard day

5. Keeps things real – helps me see the right perspective

6. Has great stories

7. Very adventurous and social (She’s gone out on more dates than me…and she says she’s shy…ha!)

8. Loves me even when I’m a stress-case and get easily agitated

9. Takes pictures and has an uploader…yeah!

10. She's a great friend


Reasons why I love dating...

1. Great conversation – You know, the one that you never want to stop!

2. Attraction – Butterflies – Chemistry

3. Hope

4. Free dinner – I love eating out, but living on student loans doesn’t permit it very often

5. A night away from Bill (my computer)


Sarah, Deanna, Kari - Girls Night before Deanna's wedding

Reasons why I dislike dating...

1. Never knowing if you are expressing your feelings correctly

“Am I being too forward? Forward enough? Is he interested? Are we just friends? Am I interested?”

2. The Game

3. Awkward conversations that go even more sour?!?

4. Playing “Twenty Questions!” – I hate first dates and the “Getting to know you” crap – I just want it to be past that stage


Reasons why I love school...

1. Learning - most of my classes are intriguing and can keep my attention – and when that happens I learn. I love learning especially when it’s something I am interested in. And I am fascinated at how the body works and then how it compensates when it isn’t working. The human body is amazing.

2. Great friends – I wouldn’t last long without my classmates – I love the great friendships, the class drama, the parties and knowing that all 70 of us are going through the same rollercoaster ride.

3. Acing my classes

4. Openness - friends that are willing to explain concepts time and again


Derik with Gidget


Charlotte and Scott playing Nerts on Game Night


Jennica, Steve, Kristen


Alyssa and John

Reasons why I dislike school...

1. Days that are SO hard that I want to drop out – I don’t like feeling like a failure

2. I hate spending hours on a subject and realizing that nothing has sunk in

3. Is this really what I want to do the rest of my life?

4. Exams - I'm not a good test taker

5. Self-doubt – Am I really gaining the knowledge I need to treat patients correctly?

Reasons why I love U7th ward...

1. Bishop Sandstrom – he’s so understanding and willing to help any of us

2. That everyone isn’t 18

3. I can go to learn, if I’m willing to learn

4. Building friendships

5. Great activities – ward devotionals, FHE games, wassail party, dinner groups, speed dating, pool party

6. And of course meeting new people (especially new guys)

Reasons why I love AZ…

1. Sunshine

2. Family – JP, MA, Max, Ian, and Rachel

3. Roommates – Natasha and Gidget

4. Friends – What would I do without great friends

5. School – great sense of perspective in my life

6. Home – over the years it’s starting to feel like home


Natasha, Gidget, Sarah

Monday, January 7, 2008

Calvin and his snowmen

I thought these were great - my friend Rustin sent me this as an email.  I was laughing hysterically and thought I'd share them with you!  Enjoy! 

Friday, January 4, 2008

Welcome 2008!

Another year has past! Here are a few thoughts & events from the past few weeks. I drove home with a couple friends to UT and Rachel picked me up at Cove Fort so I could spend a few days in Richfield with the Scoville's there. The parents came over for a day and we enjoyed our time there. Rachel and I spent the next few days with the parents watching movies, eating good food, playing scrabble and talking.



Christmas time had a different feel this year - only Rachel, the parents and I were in Delta for the be festivities. I studied for exams while mom and Rachel cooked for the special dinner on Christmas Eve. Mom really knows how to take care of us! I missed having all the hustle and bustle of the family around, but I will admit sleeping in on Christmas morning was nice. We enjoyed nice conversation, read the nativity story, and ate some breakfast before heading in to open our presents. Judy came over for the afternoon and we watched "Sense and Sensibility" while eating popcorn and candy hot tamales. It was a fun time at home. I spent a few days up north visiting friends. I went sledding with the Forsberg's in Mountain Green (it was SO fun), partied at Denise's Utah Jazz party, visited with the Muir's in Logan, dinner with Deanna & Brian and Derik, and met up with Brian & Tamara before heading back to Delta. I had a good time with friends and made some unforgettable memories.


I talked Rachel into visiting AZ...and she brought enough stuff to stay for good. I knew I had to show her a good time in order for her to love Mesa as much as me. New Year's Eve we went to dinner with my friend Kari and roommate Natasha. Then we met up with other friends at the Polar Ice event. I will say that it wasn't the most exciting night of my life. But I've decided that New Year's is just a let down. There is so much hype and expectations for the night, and then it's just another night out. We did have fun and I think Rachel enjoyed herself. She made some new friends just like that...and she says that she's shy.


We celebrated the new year by going to the Fiesta Bowl in Glendale! My cute friend Kari was able to get tickets, so I took Rachel, Derik, and Steve to the game. It was fun cheering for the Mountaineers and watching them squash the Sooners the game!!! I've decided that Kari, Trisha, and I are good luck. The past two years we've gone and our teams have won. Wahoo!


Here's a shot of the field from out seat! It was AWESOME!


Steve, Sarah, Derik, Rachel 


Favorite: Steve and Sarah