Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Desert Botanical Gardens

Today Brad and I went to the Phoenix Desert Botanical Gardens. Wow, there were lots of snowbirds out today. We were probably the youngest couple there. We saw some super cool plants and learned a little more about the Southwestern desert. It was hot outside, but a great day!

ASAPA Sedona, AZ Conference

Last weekend was the ASAPA conference in Sedona, AZ. I was looking forward to the weekend getaway with Jenna and Pulley (two classmates), some red rock, hiking, and a bit of learning. 

Well, it snowed while we were there. So no hiking for us and lots of class time! 

We were riding on the go cart to attend the Student Bowl Challenge at the opposite side of the hotel. It was freezing. 

Rare to see snow on cacti so close! Beautiful!!

Random photos

Brad and me hanging out at his Dad's house

Brad at the weekly shooting competition 

Jack lounging on the bed

Best buddies -- Rasta, Jack, and Kyla 


Driving back from shooting at Sugarloaf 

AZ sunset through the window