Friday, July 20, 2007

I guess I'm secretary!!!

Nominations were in and nobody had signed up for a few school government slots, so jokingly I said "I'll be secretary."  Before I new it my name was passed down the rows of classmates and these are the results.  I hope it doesn't take too much time from studying.   I'm not really sure what entails my "soon to be responsibilities" as secretary.  What did I get myself into?

The Class society is as follows:

President: Shea Hilger VP: Erin Benjamin Secretary: Sarah Scoville Treasurer: Stacey Libricz SGA rep: Beth Hill SGA rep: Megan Hoover Sunshine Committee: Avi Mallin

The Kettel Society is as follows: President: Kristen Owens Immediate past president: Kristen Young VP: TJ Sirrine Secretary: Kelly Brannin Treasurer: Betsey Huebler ASAPA rep: Carolyn Griffiiths (1st year) Ashley McComber (2nd year) Diversity Chair: Cindy Huynh AOR rep: Erin Beckman EAO: Latisha Leonard Bernier HOD: Ian McLeod

Thursday, July 12, 2007

On the downhill for summer quarter...

 It is official! No, I am not getting married. I am on the downward slope of my first quarter. I can’t believe that mid-terms are over (thankfully) and finals approaching too soon. I have two more weeks of lecture and then finals. I hope that I retain some of the vast amount of information I am trying to absorb within this short time frame. I have only had one break down…thanks for listening mom. And I am feeling way more optimistic these days. The information is starting to piece together. I was feeling so good about things that I took the whole night off of studying. I got my hair cut and went to institute. Best part: the lesson was on continuing your education; yet, keeping a balance in all areas of life. Good thing I made it out for one night. I socialized, was spiritually fed, and got away from “Bill” for a night. The highlight of my night was seeing old friends, especially ex-bfs (hate that I still get flustered), and then some awkward moments with guys that our “dates went bad.” Gotta love the YSA of Mesa even if it is a small circle of friends I have accumulated - someone always knows someone I know - good and bad.

Encompassing all the awkward moments with the shear joy of socialization, my night turned out quick delightful. I am glad I was able to enjoy learning from the Spirit while in the company of some amazing people. I truly am blessed and need to remember that a little more often. There is much to enjoy in life while keeping the destination in mind!

Last night I did go to dinner with my old roommates. That was fabulous catching up with them and feeling like a normal person for a moment. Only part of the time was I worrying about how much valuable time I was using freely, instead of studying. I knew there was going to be a quiz in at least one of my classes. So I jetted from my friends much earlier than I would have liked, and headed home to review the endocrine system and GI tract. Good thing because we sure had a quiz!

I find it fascinating how the body is so complex and still works so smoothly. It baffles my mind how intricate our body is even within the smallest details. We have been learning about the GI tract, the different components within that system, and the organs that work from outside the system to help it function properly. Not only is it phenomenal that there are different organs working together to accomplish one set goal among there individual functions, but there are numerous things happening within each organ. The stomach, for example, is degrading proteins with specific enzymes, while producing HCl and intrinsic factor from the parietal cells, and also secreting gastrin from the chief cells, during which tone is maintained to move the food into the small intestine. Where in turn, there are more gastric juices secreted from the pancreas into the duodenum to slow the process of tone to allow for optimal absorption of nutrients. Again, I find it amazing that the villi contain specialized cells that help in sustaining a homeostatic balance through know what to absorb and having the required ions or electrolytes present for that absorption to take place.  This is all occuring to help with the propulsion of food through the motility, secretion, digestion, and absorption that happens within this system.  Wow!  These are just a few of the many concepts that I am learning about along with how to apply these notions on a symptomatic patient in the clinical setting. Granted, most days it is overwhelming the volume of knowledge we are to grasp on to, but absolutely interesting. I love making a connection from one small concept to the large scheme of how the body is controlled and functions. Our creation is divine!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Bridal Shower & Mid-terms

As the maid of honor for my best friends upcoming wedding, I get to throw her a bridal shower/bachelorette party among other responsibilities.  Her roommate and I have come up with a few ideas of what will work best.  Since we are all in graduate school and will be completing finals the week of the shower, there is a complication on what day would work best.  In order for us to have this before Amanda, the bride to be, leaves for UT we will needed to have it on Wed.  That causes a "stress" factor in my life since I have my Med Physiology Wed at 1 pm and Anatomy practical Thurs morning at 7 am.  We have decided that one of the games should be "Play pin the muscle on the jackass" with a picture of my ex.  He still has lots of muscles, even if they are scrawny.  It would be quite entertaining and educational.  I have been laughing hysterically at the thought even though we will not be playing this game.  I am sure there may be other ways around my studying : )

I have been very undedicated to my studying these past few days.  Mid-terms wiped me out.  It's been very hard to concentrate when my brain is full of extra intracranial pressure (ok, it just feels like it some days).   I also think I have a subdural hematoma after my ungraceful, rigorous fall from skateboarding just a few days before school started.  What a way to start school off, huh?  I have had continuous headaches, body aches, tension, decreased appetite, and emotional breakdowns.  Then again, that could all be from the change of lifestyle that has recently occurred with school starting along with other changes. 

 After my most difficult exam on Friday I couldn't even look at my score.  I was positive I failed.  I've done terrible on the quizzes and decided that my study patterns just weren't up to par.  What was one more day of studying going to do?  Plus, if I was going to look at my grade, it wasn't going to be when all my classmates were around to see my sad little tears.  That would happen in the privacy of my own bedroom.   I waited.  My peers couldn't believe that I hadn't checked my score out, but I knew we still had 4 hours of lecture and I needed to be able to focus.  I continued to wait.  The day dragged on with loads of new information about the endocrine system and GI tract.  Finally we were freed from Saurago B (our designated classroom with speckled seagreen wallpaper and uncomfortable plastic chairs).  My eyes were burning from staring at my computer and the sunshine made it worse.  But I had made it all day and carefully drove home.  As soon as I walked in the door I checked my grade.  "Phew," I sighed outloud as I realized I had passed.  A smile crossed my face.  Definitely didn't get an A, but survived the first round of mid-terms.  There are still many more to come, but what a relief.  It gave me the added reassurance that I can accomplish this current set of tasks at hand.  I just need to continue with one day at a time.  Still I haven't gotten back into that routine of studying again.  I have been sparatically studying/reading throughout the weekend, but am not as focused as I need to be since I have another exam next Thurs.  Ahhh!  Time goes by so fast, yet each week feels like a whole month.  I better get into the groove or I'll be far behind.  So much to learn!

Simple Forum

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Yet the counsel still remains: “Be not faithless, but believing.” President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Be not faithless, but believing in yourselves, in your capacity as a son or daughter of God, to do great and good things.”

"Spirituality through prayer and study. Service to others. Generous
tithes and offerings. These are not new principles. These are some of the
'small things' that are prerequisites to that which is great. . . .
It is our hearts and our minds that must be made new. We each have our
failings, our weaknesses, our less-than-perfect attitudes. The
Lord asks us to open ourselves to Him, holding nothing back. . . . The
newness of heart comes when we do and give all we can, then offer our heart
and will to the Father. As we do this, our Father promises us that our
lives now and in eternity will be abundant. We need not
fear."   Sister Kathleen H. Hughes

Saturday, July 7, 2007

lKnowing is not


  we must apply

lWilling is not enough;  

   we must do


Wednesday, July 4, 2007


It’s frustrating – when I want to go to sleep my mind starts racing and when I need to stay awake my eyes get droopy. My intense school schedule has intervened with my sleep schedule. I guess staying up all hours of the night restless with anxiety of how mid-terms are going to pan out can put my body into stress mode. On top of that, I have had deal with the dogs trying to sleep on the bed with me and barking at who knows what all hours of the night. Then I got to get up at 4:30 am these past two days to finalize my reviewing, feed the dogs, get ready for the day, pack a lunch, and head off to my 7:00 am exams and lecture-filled day. By the time my afternoon class starts I am zoned out and clueless to what the professor is discussing. That just puts me behind because then I have to find time to read over another 100-150 slides before the next lecture. Oh, what a delight to be in school again. I’m looking forward to spending my 4th of July out by the pool with my books and laptop. Hopefully I’ll break away for a bit to visit JP, MA, and Max. It’s always nice to see them. They are a much needed distraction! I went country dancing tonight. I love the dancing and dislike the dating drama. It is still hard for me to see Steve. And apparently he’s moved on, just like that. How guys do it? I don’t know. Trust me, if I did know, I’d be doing it too! I guess these are a lot of thoughts that start floating through my brain when I am trying to fall asleep. I have plenty of things on my mind and feelings in my heart, but it all comes down to me just accepting that we’re not ever going to be together. Even with all the hoping and praying and wishing, I really don’t want him to come back to me. Ok, I do, but at the same time I don’t. It is just hard to see him move forward in life when I don’t have anyone that I am slightly interested in dating once, let alone seriously. I do hope he is happy, though. He is an amazing guy with all sorts of potential who deserves to find the best in life. But it’s a good thing my calling in life right now is to be focused on school. What a blessing to have school as a distraction. I’d be so distraught if my mind wasn’t concentrating on more important matters of my future. Logically I know it’s for the best, but emotionally it will just take me time to move forward. One day at a time. On a lighter note, I have finished two mid-terms and one pop quiz this week. I have only one more mid-term and a group discussion/project for this week. Wow! It’s amazing how fast the weeks fly by, but at the same time I feel consumed with the vast overload of knowledge I am learning. In one week for each class we cover as much information as I did in undergrad for a month. That is a lot of things to remember. Pretty much my mid-terms were like a comprehensive semester final. It will be nice to sleep in tomorrow. That is, if the dogs let me. Every morning they poke there head over my bed and start jabbing me with their paws. It’s cute, but at the same time annoying. I want my sleep especially since I have insomnia these days. I am about tired, so I am putting my computer to sleep. Happy 4th!