Monday, April 27, 2009

I've been terrible at updating my blog.  I've been busy at the doctor's office, but still enjoying family med.  

Easter was nice.  I went out to JP and Mary Ann's and spent it with them, the boys, Rachel and Zac.  I will post pictures soon.  Flickr is being stupid with uploading my pics, or it's my dumb internet service.




Steve came to town for his brother's wedding!  So we met up at country dance last week.  We had a fun time!  Yeehaa!!


  1. i miss country dancing so much. looks like a pretty good time. I'm glad that you're finding some down time in your extremely busy school life

  2. Fun! Makes me miss the country dancin' days in Ogden! Looks like you guys are having a blast. How much school do you have left? Do you have any plans where you want to end up after that?

  3. Country dancing is so fun!! I'm glad there is still somewhere to go, even if I can only go once a month or so. I can't believe school will be done in August. Time sure has gone by fast. Right now I will go where I get a job. If there is something I feel good about in Mesa, then I will stay, otherwise, I could go anywhere. Obviously, those details have yet to be determined.
