Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father’s Day

was always the day my dad received more new socks and ties! Sometimes he'd even get a special "coupon book" for things like cookies, back rubs, etc. Us kids may have made him breakfast in bed or a creative dinner a time or two. I'm pretty sure my dad did way more things for me, than I ever did for him. Every time I had a problem or concern, my dad was who I called. He always had great advice to help me re-evaluate the situation and realize there is always a solution (even if I couldn't see it right away). I miss receiving counsel from him now.

We're going down memory lane for a minute...

-My 15th birthday was awesome. For some reason the whole family was out of town except my dad. After he got off work he came home and announced that I could drive around town with him. It was the best daddy daughter date ever. We went to Leo's for a hamburger, fries, and shake afterwards. -Meeting up in Provo when I bought my new Subaru. I was so excited to drive dad around town then, too.

-The many trips to Ogden! Dad and Mom have always been so great at visiting us kids.

-Dad reading stories to us on Sunday nights. He was a great story reader, and I loved to hear him sing. I sure enjoyed the last time we all sang around the piano together. Singing was something my dad loved to do. He enjoyed the ward choir.

-Fourwheeling at the dunes with him. We had some fun rides together.

-Camping up Oak City Canyon. I loved being around the campfire and smelling the dutch oven cooking.

-Mostly, I remember my dad being very faithful at reading his scriptures. Every morning I'd wake up and dad would be sitting at the table doing personal scripture study. I've never been as diligent as he was. My dad had a strong testimony of the importance of the gospel. He understood the purpose of our life here, loved everyone, and served where he could. I'm very grateful for a wonderful father to instill great principles and truths into my life. I look forward to the day when I will see him again.

dad & sarah

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