Thursday, July 8, 2010

After much anticipation, my allergy results are here….

About 9 weeks ago, I started the gluten/dairy free diet to see how I would feel. Initially I felt like crap, then started to gradually improve. I finally decided that I needed to go in for testing to see if all these changes were even necessary. After waiting for 2 weeks, I received a faxed copy of my results. I nervously read through them and found that I was allergic to quite a few things. However, most of them are in the lower allergy class. Plus, there could be false positives/negatives. And this was not a comprehensive allergy screening. I am sure there are other things that I am allergic to, but not sure if I can handle any more changes right now. For now I am going to try staying away from wheat, corn, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, apples, oranges, and peanuts. I am thrilled to not be allergic to dairy. I am going to have frozen yogurt tonight. Yum!


  1. and ethanol? also unfortunate, just in case you ever need to drink that stuff

  2. if by corn, that includes corn syrup, i am so sorry. so, so sorry.
