Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

It is the holiday season which brings many memories afloat.  I have been blessed to spend time with my family the past week.  I feel very grateful for this special time of year, and the opportunity to rededicate my life to Christ.  Here are a few of the latest updates from this holiday time!

 Spencer Jr. Scoville 

Spencer Jr. Scoville Spencer Jr. Scoville Spencer Jr. Scoville 

Welcome Spencer Jr Scoville (or Spencer Luke or whatever your name may become) to our family!  Born Dec 19.  Weight 6 lbs 8 oz and 17 inches long.


The grandkids playing in the Nativity story.  

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All the Christmas festivities!


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Me pretending to help "supervise."  I pretty much rocked at my job. Fun times laying down the laminate flooring at my mother's house.  Good job Amie, Mat, and JP.


My friend Heidi became recently engaged to Adam over their trip to Sun Valley.  I went up and visited with them Christmas Eve's Eve.  I had to give my stamp of approval, of course.  Adam made us dinner while Heidi and I chatted away.  We watched Elf and enjoyed many treats.  It sure was a fun time. 

It sure has been a fun time in Utah.  Not gonna lie, I am looking forward to being back in the sunshine, but it was nice to have a white (cold, windy) Christmas and be with my family.

1 comment:

  1. Hey babe I am just getting emails about the 10 year reunion and didn't see your name on the email list... If you would like you can email Annie Draper
    later babe!! Anne xx
