Tuesday, April 29, 2008

For Josh

Sunday night my Knight in Shining Armor, Josh, came to rescue me, the Damsel in Distress. At least that's what I'm letting Josh believe. He did save the day by coming out to fix my flat tire. i gawked at him while he put my spare on. Obviously, the whole getting a flat tire thing is new to me since I didn't even know I had a jack, and it definitely hadn't been used. He informed me that I probably put the nail in my tire on purpose just to make him feel strong and manly. I agreed! I spent hours concocting my plan to have him come and rescue me from the dogs. Oh, wait, we already had an adventure planned! Silly Josh! At least he's an Eagle Scout and came "prepared" with his tire gage and helping hands. I probably would've been stuck there until the Rhey's came home.

After Josh fixed my tire and we put some air in it, we played some amazing games...like California Speed and Jenga. I'm sure most of you know the rules to Jenga. Well, it had been a while since either Josh or I had played the game. He set it all up and asked me the rules. I stated that we each took a turn pulling out a block until one of us caused the tower to fall over. Josh repeated back to me "So if the tower falls while you are taking out a piece, then you lose?" I readily agreed. He encouraged me to go first. So I went ahead and started to pull out the first block. Much to my surprise, Josh knocked the tower over and said laughing "Ah ha, I guess you lose!" I was laughing because I totally fell for that trick! I should have known better. After the giggling subsided, Josh stated "Now that is something you can blog about!" So here I am blogging about Jenga just for Josh!

Josh always has some hidden agenda up his sleeve. There were a few other things that he had lead me to believe throughout the night, that weren't true. He has that innocent believable face that throws you off guard. I told him I just wasn't going to believe anything he told me anymore. He told me that might be wise since 90% of the time he probably isn't being serious. That gives me a lot of encouragement to trust what he's telling me, eh?

It was an amazingly fun night! We laughed, we cried, we shared stories, we laughed some more...
that's what friends are for!

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