Friday, April 4, 2008

For my blogging fans...

Wow! I didn't realize how many of my friends checked my blog out. I've gotten quite a few emails over the past couple weeks wondering if they had the wrong web address or what was going on with my blog. And since it's been back up, wondering why I haven't been writing any entries! Sorry, but my life has been busy busy busy.

While the blog was down, I had lots of funny or memorable things happen. I would think: "Yeah, that stories good. I will totally remember to put that on my blog so everyone can get a good laugh." Well, who would of thought that I would have needed to write them down. Apparently they weren't that funny, because I sure don't remember them.

Easter was great! I spent it at JP and Mary Ann's with Rachel and Mark and Kristen. The food was delicious, company delightful, and I for sure over ate. I've gained a few pounds these past couple months. As my past dean would say: " That's the pig you bought." He told us at the beginning of the year that we'd gain 20 pounds while in grad school. I thought he was crazy, I'd make time for exercise and I've almost always been a healthy eater. Well, he's being proven right... Exercise is a last minute, painful experience once a week, unless I get out for a walk with the dog, and my diet consists of anything I can prepare quickly or just snack on. And if I'm studying at home, there's no stopping on the snacking. It's what "helps me stay awake" during hours of reading. Dating is non-existent! This quarter is so dang busy... Mid-terms started today, so the excitement of my life is at a climax. I live vicariously through Rachel's lovelife!

My parents had all of my dad's siblings in town for Easter week and it sounded like quite a party. The played lots of games, ate lots of food, and had quite a fun time. I sure wish I could've gone home to spend time with all of the family there. I'm looking forward to a fun family reunion at Spencer and Jonene's for Memorial Weekend, though!!! You better have some superb adventures, games gallor, and plenty of treats (because that's what my diet consists of now...). j/k! I really am just excited to be with the whole family again.

My cute friend Stacey sent me this getting to know survey and thought it was fun.  Feel free to do it yourself.

1. What is your occupation? Graduate Student

2.  What color are the socks you are wearing? Only sandals

3. What are you listening to right now? My teacher (background noise...hehe!)

4. What was the last thing that you ate?  Allbran

5. Can you drive a stick shift?  Definitely

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? GREEN

7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Kristen Cheney - about writing prescriptions

8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes

9. How old are you today?   26

10. Favorite drink? Lime Ricky

11. What is your favorite sport to watch? Tennis

12. Have you ever dyed your hair?  Yes

13. Pets?   Gidget, poodle-maltese mix, is my roommates dog

14. Favorite food?  Anything Italian

15. Last movie you watched?  Spy Game

16. Favorite Day of the year?   Day after finals

17. What do you do to vent anger? Running, tennis, playing the piano

18. What was your favorite toy as a child?  My computer - it has some fun learning games

19. What is your favorite, fall or spring?  Spring

20. Hugs or kisses?   Hugs

21. Cherry or Blueberry? Blueberry

22. Do you want your friends to email you back? (since this isn't an email...Sure)

23. Who is most likely to respond? ??

24. Who is least likely to respond? ???

26 When was the last time you cried?   Easter Sunday

27. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes, shoes, shoes

28. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to?

29. Who is the friend you have had the shortest that you are sending this to?

30. Favorite smell?  Anything baking in the oven, spicy cinnamon, cut grass

31. What inspires you?  lots of things: ambitious people, humanitarian work, medicine

32. What are you afraid of? spiders

33. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers?  spicy

34. Favorite car ?  My subaru, of course!

35. Favorite cat breed?  Himalayan

36. Number of keys on your key ring? 5

37. How many years at your current job?  I've been in school for about 10 months

38. Favorite day of the week?  Saturday


  1. Great. Glad that you have a folllowing. It is quite fun to see how friends and family are doing.

  2. Sarah it is fun to read about your experiences. Keep up the good work...studying, exercising, reading, snacking to stay awake, etc.
