Wednesday, February 11, 2009

it's that wonderful time again

The other day I received an email about what we should expect for our upcoming RAD day. We are having randomized OSCE's (our physical exams) which means way more memorization and studying before that day. I've had that pit in my stomach since that time. I haven't been able to sleep, I've been very jumpy and jittery, I feel very incompetent when I see my patients, and my anxiety is sky-rocketing. Ahhh!!! It gets so bad that I can't focus on anything.

On the bright side, that means my Neuro rotation is coming to an end. Thank goodness! Don't get me wrong, I love the Doc and I've learned a lot. I'm tired of headaches and back pain. On to even better days...treating inmates at the state prison. Yes, I will be working with male inmates, not patients, for this rotation. It should be quite the experience. Maybe I will take a job out there - they do have student loan repayment. Could you see it?

This Friday also marks a big day! I will have finished half of my clinical year. It sure is flying by quickly. Before long I better know something.


  1. Sounds like an interesting rotation coming up for you! It seems like it could be quite a learning experience, hopefully, you will work with some fun folks. It would be hard to go to work every day inside of a prison. Or will they come to you at another location? Good luck!

  2. omg. let us all pray that they DONT come to you at another location! ahhhhh. especially after they get out. Amie stresses me. :)
